
CHRISTMAS EVE: traditions

Last year, we started a new tradition of visiting the Botanical Gardens on Christmas Eve to lay flowers for my Dad. It was that day in 2014 that I last spoke to him, and it was the happiest conversation with laughter and silliness. The girls and I wandered around, laying bright orange tulips (picked by Josephine) in the spots they thought were the most beautiful. Although actually, my favourite one was next to a big puddle that they both jumped and splashed in for ten minutes...

"I think I should lay a flower here, Mama, because Grandpa would have loved to have done this too. He would think it's hilarious!!"

I absolutely agree, Josephine.

The gloomy rain cleared as we arrived, leaving an almost spring-like hour for us to stroll around, talk about Grandpa and get excited for all that Christmas would bring. It was my Dad's favourite time of year too, and I'm determined to continue that for him.

There was blossom on the trees and the girls chased squirrels and birds, played hide and seek and ate a whole load of cookies as we explored one of our favourite places. It was just lovely.

We love you, Papa xxx


  1. Your posts never fail to catch me off guard and bring tears to my eyes. My godsons have just spent their first Christmas without their Grandad, and they struggled. I think this is a lovely tradition, and Josephine leaving a flower by the puddle is quite beautiful.

    Happy New Year to you all x

    1. Thank you lovely. Happy new year to you too. Hope it's full of love and adventure xx
