This week has been insane in the membrane at work. Truly mental. Over the last few months I’ve gone from working on 2 regional publications to 5 with the addition of helping co-ordinate the artwork and website for Bath in Fashion. Still, the website is now live and most of the artwork is at the printers so things should calm down a bit. And I do get free entry to all the events so I suppose that’s a bonus.
The mister has also been a busy B. He’s working so very hard to get ahead at work and provide for the day we decide to increase our little family by one. This week he had a big ol’ meeting that was a huge success, followed by a glowing appraisal. But being so clever can be stressful.
We’re really working hard to create a future that is bright and sunny, but sometimes it’s hard to step away from work. Leave it at the door and spend the evening chilling out with each other, having fun. This is something we’re working on and manage to succeed at most days. Most days.
But that’s what marriage is all about. We’ve been together for ten and a half years now and married for 10 months, but everyday we learn something new about each other. Learn how to deal with a new issue together. Sometimes it’s good stuff, sometimes it’s a bit more tricky. But it’s all part of the journey. Part of the adventure.
And no matter what we have three awesome things going for us. Helping us along the road.
1. We each instinctively know when something is troubling the other and we talk about it. Straight away. No excuses.
2. Despite being two very stubborn people we can’t resist each other. No long silences there. I can’t not talk to the boy and he has the same quandary. It makes being mad very hard indeed.
3. No matter what, no matter when, laughter is always the best medicine. Laugh at each other, laugh at ourselves, laugh at the whole stupid situation. There’s always room for a chuckle.
This blog is all about the fun we have, but also the challenges we face as we start out on our married life. I think we’re doing rather well so far. We rarely argue. And when we do, we work it out. And then say extra lovely things or get extra squeezy cuddles to make up for it. And that makes it all ok.