
Today I'm feeling kinda weird. I've just moved desks at work (a major shake up in the office that involves getting rid of unused desks) and am now on the other side of the room to my favourite work buddie. Which sucks. The last few days have been too busy to notice, but as deadline has passed, today was a little quieter and it made me feel pretty sad not to have her hilarious stories to listen to.

Plus I have a seriously important meeting at work tomorrow with my boss. A salary related meeting that i've been waiting for and hanging hopes on. It will make a massive difference to our lives, whatever the outcome. Fingers crossed it's more money, quicker saving/clearing debt and a better glimpse into what the next couple of years will hold. However it may mean job hunting. Yuck. And I love my job, so it'll basically be poo if I have to move because of money. But i'm fed up of masses of work and responsibility and only pennies in return.
I know, I should be grateful I have a job, right? Considering the world we currently live in? But I'm having a blue day and feel sorry for myself. Hurry home B. I need hugs.

This picture makes me smile. It's from last summer at my Grandparent's house in Cornwall. B playing dress up with my nephews. They're rockin' those Victorian hats, I know. Isn't their summer house the most darling thing by the way? xx


  1. good luck...i hate those kind of meetings.

  2. Oh best of luck! I hope it all turns out the way you hope!

  3. Eee, I've got my fingers crossed for you! And you're totally allowed to feel sorry for yourself sometimes =) xxx

  4. Yay! For blogs. Keep going ... you never know where it'll take you!

    And comments are important, because they make it all worthwhile!

  5. good luck my friend, whatever the outcome is, it's meant to be...keep us posted and we all have our fingers crossed(and you too are on my must read list!)

  6. Hope it went your way Nell! And thanks for adding me to your Must Read list - that's lovely! xx
