



WEARING: vintage Laura Ashley bloomers, Zara cotton top, H&M tights, Amy & Ivor Moccasins, Coco & Wolf bib.

Our sweet Coralie! Eight months old already, and we can hardly believe it. I have failed miserably at keeping a monthly record of what you're doing and how you've changed, but I promise for the rest of your first year, I will record each month here in our journal.

Firstly, you are the happiest child. Always smiling, always pleased to see people, always entertaining yourself with your toys or simply by watching the world around you if we need to get on with chores. You have a basket full of your toys boy upstairs and downstairs, and you sit for so long just rummaging through it, chewing everything you pick up. Always chewing (including your shoes!)...you'd think a tooth would appear, but still no sign of any.

It's funny - with Josephine I was always so keen to achieve the next 'thing'; her teeth starting to come through, her sitting and crawling and walking. But I'm so much more relaxed this time round. In all honesty, it doesn't matter. When you get teeth and start walking, your not my tiny baby anymore, and I'm more than happy for you to stay this little for as long as possible. Plus, it's so good to be able to put you down and know you'll be in the same spot when I turn back round. Life with take on another level of chaos when you start moving, little one.

We thought you might bypass crawling completely, but today you leant forward (reaching for a toy) and held yourself in a crawling position for at least a minute. I wondered if you'd move, but instead you face planted the floor! Smiling the whole time, of course :)

This weekend you started to say "Mama", which makes me so happy! I remember the first time Josephine said it as if it were yesterday, and I'll always remember being sat at the dining table as that little word was muttered for the first time. Josephine looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces and clapped and cheered you, much to your delight.

You mostly call "Dadadada", but you also wave and say "hello" and "bye bye". It is the cutest thing. Josephine is determined you'll say her name next! We'll see about that!

You're a passionate little thing, and give such good kisses and cuddles. You pull me in to you with my hair (ouch!) and plant the most slobbery, open-mouthed kisses round on my mouth. It's totally heart-melting. And when you cuddle, you snuggle right in. Don't ever stop giving cuddles like that.

As you grow, Josephine loves you more and more, and adores the fact that she can play with you more now. Last week, she packed you a pretend picnic and then sat offering you pretend After Eights from the empty box. You smiled the biggest smile, not really a clue what was happening.

We are all besotted with you, Coralie. I truly cannot believe you've been here for eight months already. It has gone so fast. You bring smiles and happiness my darling, and it's a joy to spend my days with you.

We love you xxxx


  1. Oh gorgeous girl! That first photo needs framing. Those eyes!

    I felt the same way second time around - less rush. First time it was so exciting for Cohen to be doing something new and I worried if he was doing it at the right time. Second time around I just sat back more and enjoyed it. Third time around it's the same, though I have more confidence and I think I am enjoying it even more, knowing that Oscar is our last bubba. He's seven months old and creeps along on his tummy, pulling and pushing himself along with his fists, knees and toes, but not getting his belly off the ground. He can't sit yet, he balances for a few moments and then topples over! And he loves to say 'dadada' too. He sings it from his cot in the morning. He is full of giggles and love for his big brother and sister, and they for him. How sweet siblings can be... at times! :)

  2. That cheesy grin in the second photo is the best! Love this little shroom! xxxx

  3. The hair (gorgeous)! Her name (brilliant)! Lovely, lovely.
