

On a Saturday afternoon, there's nothing better than grabbing the football and heading to the meadow for a kick about. Both the girl's love football - Josephine is getting really good, and Coralie is starting to realise that she should be kicking the ball not just picking it up and running off with it! We couldn't leave without a quick go on the swing and the slide, and a spot of climbing too. Both our girls are pretty fearless, although I think Josephine's hitting more of an age where she's aware of what could happen if she fell, and she's a little more wary sometimes. Coralie on the other is happy to launch herself off anything, and trusts that someone will be there to catch her...even if they don't expect to. Ben's face in one of the pictures of Coralie mid-air is so funny, and sums up exactly what I'm talking about!

Simple, outdoor adventures like this are what summer and childhood is all about, and hope there are many more lazy days like this to come in the summer holidays.

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