

There have been certain times during the last (nearly) three months when the changes our lives have undergone since having a baby really become apparent; none more so than weekends. Since Josephine arrived, those two and a half days (because I always think of Friday after 5.30pm as half a day!) have become even more precious. Time just the three of us is the best in the world and with all the sunshine we've been having, it's even better. But that's not to say I don't miss one of the greatest gifts a weekend can offer...the lie-in.

Sunday morning, previously reserved for the longest of sleeps, was this weekend spent out walking. At 8am. Because a certain little lady decided that, actually, she'd rather not go back to sleep as she does every other day. I cleaned my teeth, pulled on some trainers, stuck on some sunglasses (to hide those tired eyes) and pulled Phiney's coat over her PJs. We walked through the village and all the way along the main road and back, taking a few detours on the way and eventually she fell asleep. You know it's too early when one of the busiest roads in the south west is empty of traffic in both directions.

(Taken with my iPhone. That's our house up there.)

Luckily some midday naps and cuddles in bed with this little monkey helped get us through the rest of the day.

The afternoon was spent browsing a vintage fair in town where I scored these two beautiful vintage dresses. Not sure of the ages exactly, but they're big and I've been warned that it gets harder to find such things for older kids so I snapped them up. Could have happily taken a few things for myself, but this post-pregnancy body isn't quite ready for new clothing purchases.

A good weekend all in all, and only 2 more days until Ben starts his six day holiday from work. SIX days baby! Just lazy times at home and in the garden planned, with the obligatory Easter egg. Or 6. Bring it on.


  1. This post has a massive cute factor - Phiney looking sooo gorgeous and those dresses.

  2. I love seeing photos of where you live. My husband and I live in Willesden Green for 12 months in 2008 and we miss it so very much. Phineys skin is so incredibly clear and milky. xx

  3. Oh goodness! Are those little PJ's in the 'cuddles in bed' shot? They look seriously divine!!!
    "Proper PJ's" my mum calls them and just bought some for Abi! She still just wears growsuits to bed.
    We had the daylight saving change over here on Saturday night/SUnday morning and I was dreading the wake up time... 8am! Wah Hoo! And we went for a walk to meet a friend sand left Abi's daddy sleeping.

    Yay! For the Easter break! (I'm playing single mum at the moment while Erin is off starting work interstate.

  4. Enjoy the time off together, with nothing to do but eat chocolate- it sounds wonderful! xx

  5. Sammie - 8am? Good work! And the PJs are these awesome all in ones my Mum bought when Josephine was born, from The White Company. They're seriosuly cute. Mostly she's in growsuits too though! Trying to get as much wear as possible out of these before she grows out of them...which will be very soon :( xx

  6. Nell, those dresses are AMAZING! I'm super duper jealous... I can never find anything bigger than size 1... everything is already too small for Lalie Bug! They couldn't have gone to a nicer home though :)

    and 8am? C'mon lady, that's not thaaaat bad. Lalie's up long before then every. single. day. xx

  7. Your neighbourhood is beautiful, and Josephine is too cute! I don't miss our Sunday sleep-ins either - now our little family heads off to the farmers market to buy yummy fresh food for the week! Enjoy your Easter break with Ben home - I am looking forward to having Mark home too! xxx

  8. Oh no Claire, she was up at 5.30. It was 8am when I realised she was up for the day!! An 8am get up would be positively awesome! Xx

  9. Easter chocolate, yummo. love the idea of strolling through a 'village', even if it was somewhat early on a sunday morn!

  10. That little baby girl of yours grows more delightful by the day. And I totally hear you about sleep-ins (or lack there of) and my new-found past-time of watching the sun come up with my very awake and ready to embrace the day boy :)

  11. Oh, been there! But I always thought that early starts/feeds were easier when it was sunny...night feeds during the winter are a killer. It looks very lovely in your part of the world. xxx

  12. Those dresses are so lovely - great find! Getting out and about when your wee one decides not to sleep is a good idea - for your own sanity more than anything. When Soph woke earlier than normal on Sunday afternoon, I packed her in the car and we went for a drive to check out a few shops I'd been meaning to stop at for some time - much better than sitting home :)

  13. she really is adorable. i know that's the only thing i ever say on your blog, but it's true :-)
    i still miss a regular lie-in. we get to take it in turns now and then but it's not the same - having brekkie in bed, then drifting off again together. those days are gone. ho-hum. x

  14. those dresses are gorgeous, so very pretty! and your little girl is very cute, lovely photos x

  15. Is that a little red dimple hat that I spy...gorgeous pics and note to self...dimple hats into my Etsy store. Happy Easter to you all! Vicki @ dover&madden.

  16. It is indeed Vicki! I absolutely love it! Think I'll have to buy another for next winter!! Xx

  17. aww she is just so cute! really gorgeous pictures. I'm missing the warm weather already! roll on summer :) xx

  18. Well done you for snapping those little beauties up. And stop it with the Phiney photos. I'm seriously dreaming of babies at the moment. xx

  19. this is where you live? jealous! it looks sooo lovely.
